This is ribbed

originally wool, polyester and cotton

pen & paper

Get Your Own Pod

pen & paper

Confined spaces and tubular bedding give me endless comfort. A pod will do.

Ruth or Clair

oil on card

Shade of my hair is jet black. I used to think I qualified as 'brunette' but one day a barber corrected me.

I've always liked red hair look. I get a little irritated when I hear some folks suggest red heads are fiery. That's just too simple. Red=Fire, Red-Passion etc. Also if one treats another with that sort of attitude, who can complain about being retorted by scorn and some level of aggression.

I'd be a bit fed up if many assumed black haired folks are morbid or bad. I can be a bit evil at times but that's by choice and not due to my pigment. If someone comes up to me and say I'm a bad person and my black hair is the proof, I'll just give them my pocket change so they lose the argument.

When it's relly hard

pen & paper

I took up running recently. It's bloody hard as you can imagine. When I'm running I constantly smile like an idiot so I give out the impression that I love running and it's a second nature to me. No.
Running is hard and painful but if helps to offset butter and beer, which I adore.

Orgas, Trolls and Giants

pen & paper

I cried hard when one of them got arrowed down in Fellowship of the Ring.

Rabbit in a Pod

 pen & paper

It's all about personal responsibility when it comes to feelings and preferences. However irresponsible people do not neccesarily annoy me. They just give me that hangover feeling.

Small, long limbed folks

pen & colour pencils on paper

I borrowed colour pencils from my ex's daughter. She didn't mind. Having said that, she was a very polite and kind person (hope she still is), so maybe she did mind but just didn't show.


I think they are perfect.

in rather inconvenient way (to us), like sharks are.

pen & paper

Ms. NR

Digital photo, shopped

I've never been good with photoshop - which is a shame as I have endless fun playing with it. The original living Ms. NR is much prettier than this. 

I learned the program in 1997. There were still Pteranodons flying over our heads.

Son, My Boy

Acrylic on cardboard

I used to go swimming to this community centre in Brixton. Happy and not so happy people swam together in a respectably sized pool. Always the middle lane for me. Sometimes I saw very driven, competitive people kicking everyone off (often literally) in the middle lane but refusing to try the fast lane. Still don't know what that was about.

If you have any theory to it please kindly advise me.


Acrylic on canvas board  

I was divorced in the year this was painted.